Improving Learning Outcomes for Students with Special Needs
All Educators
Workshop Description
Feeling burnt out with special education? Looking for new approaches to your work? This seminar is for you! In this exciting, new seminar, special education teacher, Rachel Jorgensen will share dozens of tips, tools, and practical strategies to rekindle your fire for special education. During this fast-paced day, you will discover the best tools designed specifically to meet the demands of special educators. To enhance the usefulness of this seminar, you’ll leave with extensive digital resources that you can implement immediately. This isn’t a sit and get session. This is an interactive workshop designed to truly transform your practice for the better. Check out Rachel’s new book, Loving Your Job in Special Education: 50 Tips and Tools.
Rachel Jorgensen
Registration Fee
Free to NWSE Member Districts/ $100 for educators outside of NWSE member districts
Highland Community College, Room H201, 2998 W. Pearl City Rd., Freeport, IL